- R.M. Hutchins, J. M. Terrell, T.R. Ochs, M.B. Devoe, L.M. Whitmore, K.S. DeMint, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, T. J. Sobering, D. E. Huddleston, D.S. McGregor, “ Dual-Sided Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector (DS-MSND) Implementation into an Area Radiation Gamma and Neutron Origin Telemetry (ARGANOT) Mobile Detection System,” Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Sym., Online Virtual Conference, Oct. 31-Nov. 7, 2020.
- B.W. Montag, S.L. Bellinger, N.S. Edwards, L.C. Henson, J. Lage, D.S. McGregor, T.R. Ochs, J. Terrel, L.M. Whitmore, B. Willis, “Commercialization of the Li Foil Multi-Wire Proportional Counter Neutron Detector, a Backpack Radiation Detector Design,” Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Sym., Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-Nov. 2, 2019.
- T.R. Ochs, J.M. Terrell, R.M. Hutchins, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, D.S. McGregor, “Present Status of the Dual-Sided Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector (DS-MSND) and Instrumentation,” Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Sym., Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-Nov. 2, 2019.
- D.M. Nichols, J.C. Boyington, Y. Cheng, W. Fu, J.D. Hewitt, C.W. Hilger, R.M. Hutchins, K.E. Kellogg, J.A. Medina, T.R. Ochs, J.A. Roberts, S.R. Stevenson, T.M. Swope, R.G. Fronk, M. Reichenberger, K. Tsai, T. Unruh, D.S. McGregor, “Reactor Pulse Tracking Response using Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors in Research Reactors,” Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Sym., Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-Nov. 2, 2019.
- P. Ghosh, D. Nichols, W. Fu, D.S. McGregor, “Inherent Gamma-Ray Rejection in the Micro-Layered Fast-Neutron Detector (MLFD)," Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-Nov. 2, 2019.
- T.R. Ochs, R.G. Fronk, R.M. Hutchins, D.E. Huddleston, T.J. Sobering, R.D. Taylor, B.L. Beatty, J.A. Gardner, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, L.M. Whitmore, and D.S. McGregor, “Wearable Neutron Detector for Dosimetry and Nuclear Non-Proliferation,” Conf. Record IAEA International Conference on the Security of Radioactive Material: The Way Forward for Prevention and Detection, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 3-7, 2018.
- T.R. Ochs, B.L. Beatty, S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, J.A. Gardner, L.C. Henson, D.E. Huddleston, R.M. Hutchins, B.W. Montag, T.J. Sobering, L.M. Whitmore, and D.S. McGregor, “Wearable Detector Device with Wireless Modular Neutron Detectors and Modular Gamma-Ray Detectors,” Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Sydney, Australia, Nov. 10-17, 2018.
- T.R. Ochs, B.L. Beatty, S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, J.A. Gardner, L.C. Henson, D.E. Huddleston, R.M. Hutchins, T.J. Sobering, J.L. Thompson, A. Van Bergeijk, and D.S. McGregor “Wearable Detector Device Utilizing Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 119, pp. 188-191, Orlando, Florida, Nov. 11-15, 2018.
- D.M. Nichols, M. A. Reichenberger, S. R. Stevenson, C. W. Hilger, T. M. Swope, K. E. Kellogg, J. D. Hewitt, J. A. Roberts, D. S. McGregor, “TRIGA Pulse Tracking Utilizing a Multi-Node Micro-Pocket Fission Detector,” 2018 American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Orlando, Florida, November 11-15, 2018, 328-331.
- M. Reichenberger, D. M. Nichols, S.R. Stevenson, T.M. Swope, C.W. Hilger, J.A. Roberts, T. Unruh, D.S. McGregor, “Fabrication and Testing of a Modular Micro-Pocket Fission Detector Instrumentation System for Test Nuclear Reactors,” EPJ Web of Conference, Conf. Rec. of ANIMMA 2017, Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications, Liege, Belgium, June 19-23, 170, paper 04018 (2018) 4 pages.
- T. Unruh, M. Reichenberger, S. Stevenson, D. McGregor, K. Tsai, J.F. Villard, “Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactors,” NPIC&HMIT, San Francisco, CA, June 11-15, 2017, pp. 1167-1175.
- M. Reichenberger, T. Unruh, J. Geuther, D. M. Nichols, T. J. Sobering, J.A. Roberts, S.R. Stevenson, T.M. Swope, C.W. Hilger, P.B. Ugorowski, D.S. McGregor, “Electronic Support System Enhancements for Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors (MPFDs),” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Strausbourg, France, Oct. 29 – Nov. 6, 2016.
- R.G. Fronk, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, D.E. Huddleston, T.R. Ochs, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, “Improved Low Power, modular Thermal Neutron Counter Based on Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors (MSND),” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Strausbourg, France, Oct. 29 – Nov. 6, 2016.
- T.R. Ochs, S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, L.C. Henson, D.E. Huddleston, G.E. Schlaikier, T.J. Sobering, A. Van Bergeijk, D.S. McGregor, “Fourth-Generation Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector (MSND)-Based 3He Replacement (HeRep) for High Pressure 3He Detectors,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Strausbourg, France, Oct. 29 – Nov. 6, 2016.
- N.S. Edwards, B.W. Montag, L.C. Henson, S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, M.A. Reichenberger, D.S. McGregor, “Lithium Foil Gas-Filled neutron Detector Using Microstrip Electrodes,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Strausbourg, France, Oct. 29 – Nov. 6, 2016.
- M.A. Reichenberger, T.D.F. George, R.G. Fronk, P.B. Ugorowski, J.A. Geuther, J.A. Roberts, T. Ito, H.B. Vo-Le, S.R. Stevenson, D.M. Nichols, D.S. McGregor, "Advances in the Development and Testing of Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors (MPFDs)," IAEA International Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 16, 2015.
- N.S. Edwards, K.A. Nelson, C.N. Tiner, N.J. Hinson, P.B. Ugorowski, R.G. Fronk, M.A. Reichenberger, D.S. McGregor, "Charge Propagation Through- and Neutron Sensitivity of- Reticulated Vitreous Carbon Foam," Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., San Diego, CA, Nov. 2-6, 2015.
- N.S. Edwards, K.A. Nelson, N.J. Hinson, R.G. Fronk, D.S. McGregor, "Current Status of Aerogel as a Neutron Converting Material," Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., San Diego, CA, Nov. 2-6, 2015.
- R.G. Fronk, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, D.E. Huddleston, T.R. Ochs, M.A. Reichenberger, C.J. Rietcheck, C.T. Smith, T.J. Sobering, J.K. Shultis, D.S. McGregor, "Advancements in Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector (MSND)-Based Instruments," Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., San Diego, CA, Nov. 2-6, 2015.
- R.G. Fronk, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, D.E. Huddleston, T.R. Ochs, C.J. Rietcheck, C.T. Smith, J.K. Shultis, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, "Advancments on Dual-Sided Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors (DSMSNDs)," Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., San Diego, CA, Nov. 2-6, 2015.
- T. Unruh, J. Daw, K. Davis, D. Knudson, J. Rempe, M. Reichenberger, P. Ugorowski, D. McGregor, J.F. Villard, “Enhanced Micro Pocket Fission Detector Evaluations,” 9th International Topical Meetin on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human Machine Interface Technologies (NPIH&HMIT), Charlotte, NC, Feb. 23-26, 2015.
- S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, L.C. Henson, T.R. Ochs, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, “Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector (MSND)-based Helium-3 Replacement Technology,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper J01-2.
- B.W. Montag, M.A. Reichenberger, N.S. Edwards, M. Sunder, P.B. Ugorowski, J. Weeks, D.S. McGregor, “Purification and Crystallinity Results of LiZnP and LiZnAs Semiconductor Materials,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014. paper R07-5.
- N.S. Edwards, D.S. McGregor, “Charge Collection Efficiency Mapping of a Frisch Collar BiI3 Device,” Conf. Proceedings IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper N11-5.
- K. A. Nelson, N.J. Hinson, M.R. Kusner, M.R. Mayhugh, B.W. Montag, A.J. Schmidt, D.S. McGregor, “Results and Potential Applications of Handheld, Mid-Sized, and Large Area Low Cost Li Foil MPWC Neutron Detectors,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper N25-33.
- T.R. Ochs, R.G. Fronk, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, C.J. Rietcheck, T.J. Sobering, R.D. Taylor, D.S. McGregor, “Fabrication of Present Generation Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper N25-34.
- R.G. Fronk, S.L. Bellinger, L.C. Henson, T.R. Ochs, D.E. Huddleston, T.J. Sobering, R. Taylor, C.J. Rietcheck, D.S. McGregor, “Development of the Dual-Sided Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper N49-2.
- M.A. Reichenberger, R.G. Fronk, J.K. Shultis, S.R. Stevenson, N.S. Edwards, K.A. Nelson, D.S. McGregor, “Monte Carlo Simulation of Energy Deposition by Neutron Reaction Products in Lithiated Foam Using Dynamic Path Generation,” Conf. Proc. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper N04-8.
- M.A. Reichenberger, J.A. Roberts, P.B. Ugorowksi, D.S. McGregor, "First-Order Numerical Optimization of Fission-Chamber Coatings Using Natural Uranium and Thorium," Conf. Proceedings IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seattle, Washington, Nov. 8-15, 2014, paper N25-6.
- S.L. Bellinger, B.W. Cooper, R.G. Fronk, T. Ochs, L. Henson, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, “Characterization of Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” Conf. Proceedings IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Seoul, Korea, Oct. 27 – Nov. 2, 2013.
- K.A. Nelson, S.R. Bolding, A.J. Schmidt, J.K. Shultis, C.D. Wayant, D.S. McGregor, “A Simulation of a Layered 6Li Foil Multi-Wire Proportional Counter,” IEEE Conf. Proceedings NSS/MIC, N1-94, pp. 207-210, 2012.
- S.L. Bellinger, B.W. Cooper, N.R. Crawford, R.G. Fronk, T.J. Sobering, R.D. Taylor, D.S. McGregor, “Very Large Area Multi-Element Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector Panel Array,” IEEE Conf. Proceedings NSS/MIC, N1-94, pp. 215-218, 2012.
- K.A. Nelson, B.W. Montag, A.J. Schmidt, C.D. Wayant, D.S. McGregor, “A layered 6Li multi-wire proportional counter,” IEEE Conf. Proceedings NSS/MIC, N5-3, pp. 597-599, 2012.
- B.W Cooper, S.L. Bellinger, S.R. Bolding, A. Caruso, R.G. Fronk, W.H. Miller, T.M. Oakes, J.K. Shultis, T.J. Sobering, R. Taylor, D. Huddleston, D.S. McGregor, “Neutron Energy Spectrometer Utilizing Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Anaheim, CA, Oct. 27 – Nov. 3, R12-7, pp. 4262 - 4265, 2012.
- B.W. Montag, K.A. Nelson, M.A. Reichenberger, K.R. Arpin, H.E. McDonald, S.R. Browning, P.B. Ugorowski, D.S. McGregor, “Growth and Preparation of LiZnP and LiZnAs for Solid-State Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, D.S. McGregor, and T.J. Sobering, “Arrayed High Efficiency Dual -Integrated Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- E. Ariesanti, D.S. McGregor, Prismatic Platelet Growth of HgI2 with Organic Additives,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- P.B. Ugorowski, A.C. Brooks, R.D. Taylor, T.J. Sobering, D.S. Mcgregor, “Preliminary Results of KSU Frisch-Collar CZT Array,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- B.W. Cooper, S.L. Bellinger, A. Caruso, R.G. Fronk, W.H. Miller, T.M. Oakes, J.K. Shultis, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, “Neutron Energy Spectrum with Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011, pp. 4783-4786.
- K.A. Nelson, S.L. Bellinger, B.W. Montag, J.L. Neihart, T.A. Riedel, A.J. Schmidt, D.S. McGregor, Member, IEEE “Investigation of Aerogel, Saturated Foam, and Foil for Thermal Neutron Detection,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- K.A. Nelson, K.R. Arpin, J.A. Geuther, J.L. Neihart, T.A. Riedel, R.A. Rojeski, P.B. Ugorowski, D.S. McGregor, “Inverted Pockels Cell Electro-Optic Response to Nuclear Reactor Pulsing,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, W.J. McNeil, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, “High Efficiency Dual-Integrated Stacked Microstructured Solid-State Neutron Detectors,”Conf. Record IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Knoxville, TN, Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 2010.
- E. Ariesanti, A. Kargar, D.S. McGregor, “Vapor Growth of Tetragonal Prismatic Mercuric Iodide Crystals,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Knoxville, TN, Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 2010.
- P. Ugorowski, A. Ariesanti, D.S. McGregor, A. Kargar, “Compact, Inexpensive, High-Energy-Resolution, Room-Temperature-Operated, Semiconductor Gamma-Ray Detectors for Isotope Identification,” IEEE Conference on Homeland Security, Boston, MA, Nov. 8 -Nov. 10, 2010, pp. 385 - 390.
- M.J. Harrison, P.B. Ugorowski, C. Linnick, S. Brinton, D.S. McGregor, F.P. Doty, S. Kilpatrick, K. Findley, D.F. Bahr, “Aliovalent Doping of CeBr3,” Proc. SPIE, 7806 (2010) 78060M.
- S.L. Bellinger, R.G. Fronk, W.J. McNeil, J.K. Shultis, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, “Characteristics of the Stacked Microstructured Solid-State Neutron Detector,” Proc. SPIE, 7805 (2010) 7805-0N.
- S.L. Bellinger, W.J. McNeil, D.S. McGregor, “Variant Designs and Characteristics of Improved Microstructured Solid-State Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, Florida, Oct. 25-Oct. 31, 2009, pp. 986-989.
- W.J. McNeil, S.L. Bellinger, T.C. Unruh, C.M. Henderson, P.B. Ugorowski, W.L. Dunn, R.D. Taylor, B.J. Blalock, C.L. Britton, D.S. McGregor, “1024-Channel Solid State 1-D Pixel Array for Small Angle Neutron Scattering,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, Florida, Oct. 25-Oct. 31, 2009, pp. 2008-2011.
- A. Kargar, A.C. Brooks, M.J. Harrison, H. Chen, S. Awadalla, G. Bindley, D.S. McGregor, “Effect of Crystal Length on Frisch Collar Device Performance,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, Florida, Oct. 25-Oct. 31, 2009, pp. 2017-2022.
- P.B. Ugorowski, A. Kargar, D.S. McGregor, “Pulse Height Linearity of CdZnTe,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, Florida, Oct. 25-Oct. 31, 2009. pp. 2023-2031.
- A.G. Antonacci, J.L. Britton, S.C. Bunch, M.N. Ericson, B.J. Blalock, R. Chun, R. Greenwell, D.S. McGregor, L. Crow, L. Clonts, T. Sobering, R. Taylor, W. McNeil, S. Bellinger, C.L. Britton, “PATARA II: A 64-Channel Solid-State Neutron Detector Readout System with Integrated Analog and Digital Processing for the SNS,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, Florida, Oct. 25-Oct. 31, 2009, pp. 68-74.
- A. Kargar, A.C. Brooks, M.J. Harrison, H. Chen, S. Awadalla, G. Bindley, B. Redden, and D.S. McGregor, “Uniformity and Charge Collection Efficiency in Frisch Collar Spectrometers with THM Grown CdZnTe Crystals,” Proc. SPIE 7449 (2009) 08:1-08:13.
- *D.S. McGregor, S.L. Bellinger, W.J. McNeil, T.C. Unruh, “Micro-Structured High-Efficiency Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 19-Oct. 25, 2008.
- M. J. Harrison, C. Linnick, B. Montag, S. Brinton, M. McCreary, F. P. Doty and D. S. McGregor, “Radioluminescence and Scintillation Results of Horizontal Gradient Freeze Grown Aliovalently-Doped CeBr3,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 19-Oct. 25, 2008.
- P. Ugorowski, S Bellinger, L. Crow, C. Henderson, W.L. Dunn, W.J. McNeil, R.D. Taylor and D. S. McGregor, “Characterization of the High-Efficiency Neutron Detector Array (HENDA),” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 19-Oct. 25, 2008.
- P. Ugorowski, M. J. Harrison, C. Linnick, S. Brinton and D. S. McGregor, “A Compton-Scattering Coincidence System for Light Yield Measurements on Aliovalently-Doped CeBr3,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 19-Oct. 25, 2008.
- A. Kargar, A.C. Brooks, K.T. Kohman, R.B. Lowell, R.C. Keyes, H. Chen, S. Awadalla, G. Bindley and D.S. McGregor, “The Final Surface Treatment Effect on Performance of CdZnTe Frisch Collar Gamma Ray Detectors,” Proc. SPIE, 7079 (2008) pp. B1-B12.
- E. Ariesanti, C. Frampton, S. Appelhans, M. Rudolph, D.S. McGregor, “A Systematic Study of Mercuric Iodide Platelet Growth in Horizontal Furnaces,” Proc. SPIE, 7079 (2008) pp. L1-L8.
- * J.K. Shultis and D.S. McGregor, “Designs for Micro-Structured Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7079 (2008) pp. 06:1-06:15.
- W.J. McNeil, S.L. Bellinger, B.J. Blalock, C.L. Britton Jr., J.L. Britton, S.C. Bunch, W.L. Dunn, C.M. Henderson, T.J. Sobering, R.D. Taylor, T.C. Unruh, D.S. McGregor, “Preliminary Tests of a High Efficiency 1-D Silicon Pixel Array for Small Angle Neutron Scattering,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- M. F. Ohmes, J. K. Shultis, D. S. McGregor, “3D Real-Time in-Core Neutron Flux Mapping with Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors (MPFD),” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- M.J. Harrison, A. Kargar, D.S. McGregor, “Improved Fabrication of Frisch Collar CdZnTe Gamma Ray Spectrometers,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- S.L. Bellinger, W.J. McNeil, T.C. Unruh, D.S. McGregor, “Angular Response of Perforated Silicon Diode High Efficiency Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- D.S. McGregor, S.L. Bellinger, D. Bruno, S. Cowley, W.L. Dunn, M. Elazegui, W.J. McNeil, H. Oyenan, E. Patterson, J.K. Shultis, G. Singh, C.J. Solomon, A. Kargar, T. Unruh, “Wireless Neutron and Gamma Ray Detector Modules for Dosimetry and Remote Monitoring,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- C.J. Solomon, J.K. Shultis, D.S. McGregor, “Angular Efficiency Design Considerations for Perforated Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- Y. Cui, A. Bolotnikov, G. Camarda, A. Hossain, R.B. James, G. De Geronimo, J. Fried, P. O'Connor, A. Kargar, M. J. Harrison, D. S. McGregor, “Hand-Held Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Based on High-Efficiency Frisch-Ring CdZnTe Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii, Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2007.
- F.P. Doty, D. McGregor, M. Harrison, K. Findley, R. Polichar, “Structure and Properties of Lanthanide Halides,” Proc. SPIE, 6707 (2007) pp. 051-0511.
- A.M. Hageman, M.J. Harrison, N. Fritz , T.N. Krehbiel, R. White, J. Patenaude, D.S. McGregor, “Purification of Tellurium to 6N Using a Multistage Vacuum Distillation Method,” Proc. SPIE, 6707 (2007) pp. 0Z1-0Z7.
- A. Kargar, R.B. Lowell, M.J. Harrison and D.S. McGregor, “The Crystal Geometry and the Aspect Ratio Effects on Spectral Performance of CdZnTe Frisch Collar Devices,” Proc. SPIE, 6706 (2007) pp. 1J1-1J17.
- *D.S. McGregor, S.L. Bellinger, D. Bruno, W.J. McNeil, E. Patterson, J.K. Shultis, C.J. Solomon, T. Unruh, “Perforated Semiconductor Neutron Detectors for Battery Operated Portable Modules,” Proc. SPIE, 6706 (2007) pp. 0N1-0N12.
- D.S. McGregor, S.L. Bellinger, D. Bruno, S. Cowley, M. Elazegui, W.J. McNeil, E. Patterson, B.B. Rice, C.J. Solomon, J.K. Shultis, and T. Unruh, “Perforated Semiconductor Neutron Detector Modules for Detection of Spontaneous Fission Neutrons,” IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Woburn, MA, May 16-17, 2007.
- D.S. McGregor S. Bellinger, D. Bruno, W.J. McNeil, E. Patterson, B.B. Rice, “Perforated Semiconductor Neutron Detector Modules,” Proc. of 32nd Annual GOMACTech Conf., Lake Buena Vista, FL, March 19-22, 2007.
- D.S McGregor, A. Kargar, W.J. McNeil, M.F. Ohmes, B. Rice, J.K. Shultis, T. Unruh, “Detector Development in the Kansas State University SMART Laboratory,” ANS Topical Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 12-16, 2006.
- W.J. McNeil, S. Bellinger, T. Unruh, E. Patterson, A. Egley, D. Bruno, M. Elazegui, A. Streit, D.S. McGregor, “Development of Perforated Si Diodes for Neutron Detection,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, CA, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2006.
- M. F. Ohmes, A. S. M. S. Ahmed, R. E. Ortiz, J. K. Shultis, D. S. McGregor, “Micro-Pocket Fission Detector (MPFD) Performance Characteristics,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, CA, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 2006.
- Y. Cui, A. E. Bolotnikov, G. S. Camarda, G. De Geronimo, P. O’Connor, R. B. James, A. Kargar, M. J. Harrison, and D. S. McGregor, “Readout System for Arrays of Frisch-ring CdZnTe Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, CA, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2006.
- J.L. Britton, S.C. Bunch, B.J. Blalock, C.L. Britton, D.S. McGregor, L. Crow, “PATARA: Solid-State Neutron Detector Readout Electronics with Current-Mode Pole-Zero and Shaping and Gated Baseline Restorer for the SNS,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, CA, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 2006.
- D.S. McGregor, et al., “Perforated Semiconductor Diodes for High Efficiency Solid State Neutron Detectors,” presentation recorded in the conference record of the Workshop on Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation Detectors, Coimbra, Portugal, September 15-17, 2006.
- S. Bunch, J.L. Britton, B. J. Blalock, C. L. Britton, D.S. McGregor, R. Taylor, T. Sobering, D. Huddleston, W. McNeil, T. Unruh, B.B. Rice, S. Bellinger, B. Cooper, L. Crow, "HENDA and Patara: A Solid State Neutron Detector and a Prototype Readout Chip for the SNS", VIth International Meeting on Front End Electronics for High Energy, Nuclear, Medical and Space Applications, 17-20 May 2006, Perugia, Italy.
- W.L. Dunn, Q.M. Jahan, D.S. McGregor, W. McNeil, E.L. Patterson, B. Rice, J.K. Shultis, C.J. Solomon, “Design and Performance of a Portable Neutron Dosimeter,” Proc. 2nd Workshop on European Collaboration for Higher Education in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Protection, 12-15 March, 2006, Valencia, Spain, pp.85-92.
- J.E. Rauch, M. Gersten-Rauch, A. Burger, D.S. McGregor, A.W. Hunt, R. Spaulding, D. King, D. Beutler, J. Riordan, B. Failor, J. Levine, P. Coleman, R. Sobolewski, A. Verevkin, F. Young, C. Delacruz, and K.Campbell, “GaAs – A Versatile Photoconductive Material for the Measurement of X-Rays in Pulse Power Applications,” 15th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, California, June 13 - 17, 2005.
- J.K. Shultis and * D.S. McGregor, “Efficiencies of Coated and Perforated Semiconductor Neutron Detectors,” Conf. Rec. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, Italy, Oct. 18-22, 2004.
- *A.E. Bolotnikov, G.S. Camarda, G.A. Carini, M. Fiederle, D.S. McGregor, W. McNeil, G.W. Wright, and R. B. James, “Performance Characteristics of Frisch-Grid CdZnTe Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, Italy, Oct. 18-22, 2004.
- D. S. McGregor, J. K. Shultis, M. F. Ohmes, A.S.M. Sabbir Ahmed, R. Ortiz , and K. Hoffert, “Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors (MPFD) for Near-Core and In-Core Neutron Flux Monitoring,” ANS 4th International Topical Meeting NPIC & HMIT, Columbus, Ohio, September 19-22, 2004.
- Raymond T. Klann, Charles L. Fink, Douglas S. McGregor, and Holly K. Gersch, “Development of Coated Gallium-Arsenide for Neutron Detection Applications,” Conference Record of the 12th Biennial RPSD Topical Meeting, Sante Fe, New Mexico, April 14-18, 2002.
- Douglas S. McGregor and Robert L. Metzger, “A Geometrically Weighted Frisch-Grid Semiconductor Radiation Detector for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy,” Conference Record of the 12th Biennial RPSD Topical Meeting, Sante Fe, New Mexico, April 14-18, 2002.
- *D.S. McGregor, H.K. Gersch, J.D. Sanders, and R.T. Klann, “Designs for Thin-Film-Coated Semiconductor Thermal Neutron Detectors,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, California, Nov. 4-9, 2001.
- D.S. McGregor, R.T. Klann, H.K. Gersch, E. Ariesanti, J.D. Sanders, and B. VanDerElzen, “New Surface Morphology for Low Stress Thin-Film-Coated Thermal Neutron Detectors,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, California, Nov. 4-9, 2001.
- J.D. Sanders, J.T. Lindsay, and D.S. McGregor, “Development of a GaAs-Based Neutron Tomography System for the Assay of Nuclear Fuel,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, California, Nov. 4-9, 2001.
- * D.S. McGregor, H.K. Gersch, J.D. Sanders, R.T. Klann, and J.T. Lindsay, “Thin-Film-Coated Detectors for Neutron Detection,” Conference Record of the First iTRS International Symposium On Radiation Safety and Detection Technology, Seoul, Korea, July 18-19, 2001.
- R.T. Klann, C. L. Fink, D. S. McGregor, and H. K. Gersch, “Development of Semi-Conductor Detectors for Fast Neutron Radiography,” Conference Record of the 15th Int. Conf. on Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, November, 2000.
- H.K. Gersch, D.S. McGregor, and P.A. Simpson, “A Study of the Effect of Incremental Gamma-Ray Doses and Incremental Neutron Fluences Upon the Performance of Self-Biased 10B-Coated High-Purity Epitaxial GaAs Thermal Neutron Detectors,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Lyon, France, Oct. 15-20, 2000.
- D.S. McGregor, J.T. Lindsay, Y-H. Yang, and J.C. Lee, “Bulk GaAs-Based Neutron Detectors for Spent Fuel Analysis,” Conference Record of ICONE-8, 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, April 2-6, 2000, Baltimore, MD USA.
- R.T. Klann and D.S. McGregor, “Development of Coated GaAs Neutron Detectors,” Conference Record of ICONE-8, 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, April 2-6, 2000, Baltimore, MD USA.
- D.S. McGregor, S.M. Vernon, H.K. Gersch and D.K. Wehe, “Self-Biased Boron-10 Coated High Purity Epitaxial GaAs Thermal Neutron Detectors,” Conference Record of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Seattle, Washington, Oct. 25-29, 1999.
- D.S. McGregor and R.A. Rojeski, “Performance of Geometrically Weighted Semiconductor Frisch Grid Radiation Spectrometers,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 8-14, 1998.
- D.S McGregor, Z. He, H.A. Seifert, R.A. Rojeski and D.K. Wehe, “CdZnTe Semiconductor Parallel Frisch Grid Radiation Detectors,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nov. 9-15, 1997.
- J.T. Lindsay, C.C. Brannon, D.S. McGregor, and R.W. Olsen, “A Solid State, Position Sensitive GaAs Device as a Neutron Camera,” Fifth World Conference on Neutron Radiography, Berlin, Germany, June 17 – 20, 1996, pp. 240-248.
- D.S. McGregor, J.T. Lindsay, C.C. Brannon, and R.W. Olsen, “Semi-Insulating Bulk GaAs Thermal Neutron Imaging Arrays,” Conference Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Francisco, California, Oct. 21-28, 1995, pp. 395-399.
- D.S. McGregor et al., “The Investigation of Custom Grown Vertical Zone Melt Semi-Insulating Bulk Gallium Arsenide as a Radiation Spectrometer,” Conference Record of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Francisco, California, Oct. 21-28, 1995, pp. 85-89.
- D.S. McGregor, G.F. Knoll, Y. Eisen, and R. Brake, “Development of Bulk GaAs Room Temperature Radiation Detectors,” Conference Record of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Nov. 2-9, 1991, pp. 90-94.
- D.S. McGregor, C.S. Park, M.H. Weichold, H.F. Taylor, “An Optically Excited Microwave Ring Resonator on a Gallium Arsenide Substrate,” IEEE MTT-s Digest, Vol. 1, Conference Record of the 1989 IEEE MTT-S, Long Beach, California, June 13-15, 1989, pp. 225-228.