The ruins of Chavin de Huantar is an ancient pre-Incan archeological site dated as far back as 3000 BC, and was occupied up until approximately 400-500 AD.
Museo de Chavin.
Parque Nacional Huascaran.
Into the Andes.
Zona de Recreacion Chinancocha.
Banos Termales de Monterrey mineral spring. This hot spring is located in Monterrey near Huaraz in the Ancash region. It has an average temperature of 49 oC (or 120 oF) and gets its brownish color from iron in the water. It reportedly has medicinal properties, but Vicky and I did not test it out. The spring is run by a local hotel.
Campo Santo Yungay. On May 31, 1970, an 8.0 magnitude Richter scale earthquake occurred with an epicenter in the Pacific ocean off the coast of Peru. The Ancash earthquake lasted 45 seconds. This earthquake was one of the worst to hit South America in recorded history, and affected areas ranging from Iquitos to Pisco, and also affected areas in Brazil and Ecuador. This earthquake caused the dislodging of a glacier on the north face of Mount Huascaran, which resulted in 10,000,000 cubic meters of rock, ice, and snow to collapse rush down the slope to the town of Yungay and its unsuspecting 25,000 inhabitants. At a velocity of 120 miles per hour (with some estimates indicating velocities over 600 mph at some points) the landslide reached the town in only three minutes. The town was buried under a wave of rock and snow and over 20,000 people lost their lives. The government of Peru has declared Yungay a national cemetery and excavations are forbidden.