- J. Roberts, P. Wilson, R. Agasie, H. Bindra, J. Geuther, D. McGregor, P. Ugorowski, J. Boyington, Y. Cheng, W. Fu, D. Nichols, Y-H. Park, T. Ochs, M. Reichenberger, FY18 Report, A Transient Reactor Physics Experiment with High-Fidelity, 3-D Flux Measurements for Validation and Verification, NEUP Project 15-8210, 2018.
- C. Jensen, K. Condie, N. Woolstenhulme, T. Unruh, E. Larsen, R. Skifton, P. Calderoni, J. Svoboda, A. Fleming, Z. Hua, H. Ban, M. Reichenberger, J. Roberts, M. Harrison, D. Nichols, W. Fu, K. Kellogg, J. Hewitt, D. McGregor FY17 Report for Instrumentation Development for the Transient Testing Program, INL Report INL/EXT-17-43444, 2017.
- T. Unruh, M. Reichenberger, S. Stevenson, K. Tsai, D. McGregor, NEET Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactors - FY16 Status Report, INL Report INL/EXT-16-40053, 2016.
- T. Unruh, D. McGregor, P. Ugorowski, M. Reichenberger, T. Ito, NEET Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactors - FY15 Status Report, INL Report INL/EXT-15-36637, 2015.
- T. Unruh, J. Rempe, D. McGregor, P. Ugorowski, M. Reichenberger, T. Ito, J-F Villard, NEET Micro-Pocket Fission Detector - Final Project Report, INL Report INL/EXT-14-33026, 2014.
- T. Unruh, J. Rempe, D. McGregor, P. Ugorowski, M. Reichenberger, T. Ito, NEET Micro-Pocket Fission Detector –FY 2013 Status Report, INL Report INL/EXT-13-29346, 2013.
- T. Unruh, J. Rempe, D. McGregor, P. Ugorowski, M. Reichenberger, NEET Micro-Pocket Fission Detector –FY 2012 Status Report, INL Report INL/EXT-12-27274, 2012.
- E.R. Myers, C.B. Hoshor, B.J. Rogers, P.S. Scott, A.N. Caruso, W.h. Miller, S.L. Bellinger, T.J. Sobering, D.S. McGregor, S.L. Jackson, J.C. Zier, J.P. Apruzese, B.V. Weber, J.W. Schumer, R.J. Commisso, C.S. Gwon, M.S. Strickman, R.S. Woolf, B.F. Phlips, W.N. Johnson, “Solid State Neutron Spectrometer: FY12 ONR-MWMDD Final Report,” UMKC-0001AP-TR-2012, Univ. Missouri-Kansas City, Department of Physics, 2012.
- D.S. McGregor, Advanced Materials and Processes for High-Energy-Resolution Room-Temperature-Operated Gamma-Ray Spectrometers, Final Technical Report for DE-FG52-06NA27496, 2011.
- D.S. McGregor, A. Kargar, M.Harrison, A. Brooks, W. McNeil, R.B. Lowell, A. Graebner, Semiconductor Radiation Detectors with Frisch Collars and Collimators for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Imaging, Final Technical Report for 03ID14498, 2006.
- Douglas S. McGregor, Martin F. Ohmes, and J. Kenneth Shultis “Near-Core and In-Core Neutron Radiation Monitors for Real Time Neutron Flux Monitoring and Reactor Power Level Measurements,” final report to the DOE Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Program, June 2006.
- Douglas S. McGregor “Near-Core and In-Core Neutron Radiation Monitors for Real Time Neutron Flux Monitoring and Reactor Power Level Measurements,” year 3 report published in the DOE Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Annual Report, 2005.
- D.S. McGregor, E. Ariesanti, B. Corcoran, Horizontal Ampoule Growth and Characterization of Mercuric Iodide at Controlled Gas Pressures for X-Ray and Gamma Ray Spectrometers, Final Technical Report for 00-ID-13919, 2004.
- Douglas S. McGregor “Near-Core and In-Core Neutron Radiation Monitors for Real Time Neutron Flux Monitoring and Reactor Power Level Measurements,” year 2 report published in the DOE Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Annual Report, 2004.
- J.K. Shultis, D.S. McGregor, Calculation of Ion Energy-Deposition Spectra in Silicon, Lithium-Fluoride, Boron, and Boron Carbide, Report 299, Eng. Exp. Station, KSU, 2004.
- Douglas S. McGregor “Near-Core and In-Core Neutron Radiation Monitors for Real Time Neutron Flux Monitoring and Reactor Power Level Measurements,” year 1 report published in the DOE Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Annual Report, 2003.
- Douglas S. McGregor, Holly K. Gersch, Raymond T. Klann, Epitaxial GaAs Neutron Detectors, Pixel Neutron Detector Arrays, and Compensated Pixel Detector Arrays, Final Report to SPIRE Corporation, 2002.
- Douglas S. McGregor, Holly K. Gersch, Jeffrey D. Sanders, John C. Lee, Mark D. Hammig, Michael R. Hartman, Yong Hong Yang, Brian Van Der Elzen John T. Lindsay, Philip A. Simpson, Raymond T. Klann,“ Semiconducting Gallium Arsenide Neutron Imaging Arrays,” final report to the DOE Nuclear Engineering Educational Research Program, Project number DE-FG07-98ID13633, January 2002.
- Douglas S. McGregor, “Geometrically Weighted Semiconductor Frisch Grid Radiation Detectors,” final report to Sandia National Laboratories, March 1997.
- Douglas S. McGregor, A.J. Antolak, H.C. Chui, E.S. Cross, Z-Q. Fang, J.E. Flatley, M.S. Goorsky, R.L. Henry, R.B. James, D.C. Look, M.G. Mier, D.H. Morse, P.E.R. Nordquist, R.W. Olsen, M. Pocha, M. Schieber, T.E. Schlesinger, E. Soria, J.E. Toney, J. Van Scyoc, C.L. Wang, and H. Yoon, “Custom Grown Vertical Zone Melt GaAs for Radiation Detection,” final report to Sandia National Laboratories, September 1996.